Referral Process

If you think your patient may benefit from a admission under one of our qualified specialists, allow us to help you by following the our referral process outlined below.

Arranging an overnight admission 

To have your patient admitted to our hospital, please follow our simple process below.   

Step 1 Assess your patient  

Does your patient need a specialist mental health admission and is not in acute crisis or actively suicidal? Note: If your patient is in acute crisis or actively suicidal, please contact your local Emergency Department  

Step 2 Funding options  

Does your patient have Private Health Insurance, DVA Status, WorkCover or the ability to self-fund their admission?  

Note: Effective 1 April 2018, Australian Government changes to private health insurance coverage for mental health services will take effect.  

Step 3 Contact Us  

If you answered yes to both steps 1 and 2, please call us to discuss admission suitability with our Admissions and Assessment Team.  

Referrals can be submitted via:  

  • Email: TBA closer to our 2024 opening.

Step 4 Eligibility Check  

We will confirm the outcome of your patient’s eligibility check and any applicable out-of-pocket expenses  

Step 5 Confirmation  

On the same day, we will confirm your patient’s admission date and coordinate the allocation of a psychiatrist.